
Adolescent Health

Overall Aim: Ensure all adolescents reach optimal health and wellness for the successful progression into adulthood

  • Goal 1: Reduce rates of substance use and abuse
  • Goal 2: Reduce risky sexual behaviors
  • Goal 3: Reduce youth violence (including self-inflicted)
  • Goal 4: Reduce unintentional injuries
  • Goal 5: Reduce the proportion of adolescents who are overweight or obese


Aging Population

Overall Aim: Optimize the self-sufficiency and independence of all older adults, with an emphasis on alleviating the impact of poverty, reducing the incidence of elder abuse and neglect, and maintaining senior health

  • Goal 1: Reduce the incidence of elder abuse, neglect, self-neglect and financial exploitation
  • Goal 2: Reduce unintentional injuries
  • Goal 3: Improve coordination of programs and services for Older Adults
  • Goal 4: Improve access to healthy foods
  • Goal 5: Normalize advance care planning


Chronic Disease

Overall Aim: Reduce chronic disease burden among Summit County residents

  • Goal 1: Reduce the prevalence of tobacco use
  • Goal 2: Increase physical activity opportunities
  • Goal 3: Increase access to healthy foods
  • Goal 4: Increase access to standardized screening and evidence-based treatment services
  • Goal 5: Reduce the burden of pediatric asthma through community-level interventions


Maternal & Infant Health

Overall Aim: Reduce infant mortality in Summit County

  • Goal 1: Reduce preterm birth rate
  • Goal 2: Reduce sleep-related deaths
  • Goal 3: Reduce the number of pregnant women who use alcohol, tobacco or other drugs
  • Goal 4: Ensure early access into prenatal care
  • Goal 5: Reduce maternal stress


Mental Health & Addiction

Overall Aim: Promote mental wellbeing and prevent alcohol and other drug dependence and abuse for all Summit County residents

  • Goal 1: Reduce overdose deaths
  • Goal 2: Reduce suicide deaths
  • Goal 3: Prevent or delay the onset of substance abuse or mental illness/ increase the perception of risk of substance use and other risky behaviors
  • Goal 4: Reduce stigma and increase awareness of mental health and substance use disorders
  • Goal 5: Increase system training in evidence based practice which subsequently improve behavioral health outcomes