Safe Sleep

Collage of pictures of babies sleeping safely.


Click on infographic below for a pdf version of this infographic created by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Safe Sleep Infographic.


Infographic above from


Every week in Ohio, 3 babies die in unsafe sleep environments. These deaths are avoidable. Learn why it is safest for baby to always sleep in a safe environment.


CLICK HERE FOR  the  Akron Children's Hospital Infant Safety Resource Page  where you'll find links to:

  • Cribs for Kids
  • Safe Sleep for Babies
  • Safe Sleep Academy
  • and much more!

Learn more about safe sleep from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Mom asleep in cluttered bed. Baby safely sleeping in own bed placed beside mom's bed. "It might not be pretty. But it can be peaceful. Getting sleep with a newborn is not easy. But when babies are put to bed in their own, clutter-free space, it's safer for them and offers peace of mind for you. Help baby sleep safely so you can sleep soundly. no pillows, no stuffed animals, no bumper pads, do not smoke around baby or sleep with baby in the bed or on the couch 














page updated 01-22-24