Quit Smoking Resources


Free, confidential help to quit vaping and other tobacco for youth under 18
Call or Text: 855-891-9989


Offers free or low-cost programs to quit smoking to the uninsured, pregnant women, Medicaid recipients, and insured members of the Ohio Tobacco Collaborative.

Baby & me tobacco free

Free quit tobacco program specific for pregnant women. Mothers who stay smoke-free after the baby is born can receive a monthly voucher for free diapers for up to 12 months.

Nicotine Anonymous

Stow United Methodist Church
4880 Fishcreek Road, Stow
Tuesday 7:30 - 8:30 pm - downstairs
Note: You don't have to quit before attending.

Cleveland clinic Akron General 

The Cleveland Clinic Smoking Cessation Program is a comprehensive, multifaceted program that can be tailored to your individual needs. They offer a variety of services designed to help you throughout the process, including office visits, distance health visits (virtual or telephone), eCoach program, and pharmacy consultations.

Summa Health

Individual Classes - Individual sessions provide information on the hazards of smoking, smoking dependency, and what triggers smoking. To schedule to speak with a Tobacco Treatment Specialist, call 234.475.QUIT(7848) or email smokingcessation@summahealth.org.

Medication/Nicotine Replacement Therapy - Summa Pulmonary Medicine offers convenient appointments with a Certified Nurse Practitioner at multiple locations to prescribe Nicotine Replacement Therapy or smoking cessation medications as necessary. For more information or to schedule call 888.265.6618