Air Quality Index

Latest Air Quality Index for the greater Akron Region*

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 -  7:00 AM

Local Index Value & Category


Primary Pollutant  Fine Particle Pollution
  To see a map with the most current AQI  data click here.
Cautionary Statement None
Forecast Conditions

GOOD  for 03-25-2025

Pollen Forecast per Low for 3/25/2025

*based on our 3 county monitoring network


From our rooftop pollen samper!

Pollen information updated hourly. The app uses a color coding similar to the AQI coding, but it is not related.

The weekday AQI can also be found on our information line @ 330-375-2545 or by following ARAQMD on Facebook.

Understanding the Air Quality Index

The air quality index (AQI) value is assigned through the measurement of five criteria pollutants: surface ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.  Each of these pollutants is assessed relative to standards set by the EPA based upon ambient air quality related to affected groups of people (0-500; 0-100 being the set AQI to meet air quality standards that meet satisfactory human health). Six divisions of the AQI were created to help the general public visualize and understand their region’s ambient air quality in relation to individual health. This is done through the use of colors and values as shown below. If interested in air quality across the United States, refer to AIRNow.

Level of Health Concern AQI Values
Good 0 to 50
Moderate 51 to 100
Unhealthy for sensitive groups 101 to 150
Unhealthy 151 to 200
Very Unhealthy 201 to 300
Hazardous 301 to 500