Senior & Adult Services
Supporting Those Who Need Us Most
Ensuring health equity in all aspects of aging including wellness, prevention, access to health care and safety.
BRI Care Consultation
- Care coaching program designed to support individuals with dementia and their caregivers.
- NEW expanded service area includes Portage, Stark, and Wayne Counties.
Gatekeeper Program
- Identification, assessment and case management support focused on older adults as well as those with suspected or known dementia or Alzheimer’s disease who are living alone, have an intellectual developmental disability or have a caregiver in need of support, so that the individual can live safely and independently in their own home.
Community education & TRAINING
- Brain Health - Promoting the prevention and early detection of brain related diseases.
- Falls Prevention - Helping older people enjoy safe, more independent lives.
- Dementia Capable Community - Creating an age friendly Summit County through a partnership with Dementia Friends Ohio.
- Caregiver Outreach - Education focused on self-care, communication, support programs, and resources.
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page updated 01-30-2025