
Plans & Workbooks

Summit County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

The EOP outlines the functions and strategies Summit County Public Health (SCPH) will implement prior to, during, or immediately following a public health incident affecting Summit County, Ohio.



Summit County CPODS Planning Workbook

This workbook contains information for partners of Summit County Public Health who may play a role in planning and operating a closed point of dispensing site (CPODS) during an emergency. CPODS are identified locations in common areas within the community where the public can go to receive necessary medications during a biological agent release or similar emergency. Each section of the workbook can be downloaded separately by clicking below:

Or download the entire workbook by clicking here:



Development of an Alternative Care System Workbook

This workbook offers information for community planners preparing for a medical surge.



Local Links

Summit County Emergency Management Agency

Northeast Ohio Central Ohio Region 5 (NECO Region 5)


State & Federal Links

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Ohio Department of Health - Office of Health Preparedness



Name, Address, Phone and Health History (NAPH) Form (Electronic)